7 Bad Habits That Are Causing Damage To Your Appliances

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Appliances that we use every day are subject to regular wear and tear, which can eventually lead to damage and you would need to repair or replace them. Now, if the damage is caused by an electrical issue then you need to hire electrical services. Say there is an issue with a lighting installation in Port St. Lucie, then you would need to hire an electrician in that area. But there are also other ways in which an appliance can be damaged.

The damage to an appliance may also be the result of your misuse. You may be unknowingly damaging your appliances without even realizing it. Here are some habits that can impact your appliance more than you can ever imagine.

Overloading the washing machine

A lot of people have this habit of stuffing the washing machine more than necessary. It is quite tempting to stuff the machine to the brim with your clothes but this can be detrimental to your washing machine. Too much overload causes a lot of stress on the bearings and may need to call repair services to fix the issue.

Overfilling the freezer

It is true that a freezer works better when it’s full rather than when it’s left empty, but that doesn’t mean you should overstuff it with goods. Too much stuff inside the freezer can cause the vents to get blocked, which eventually restricts the flow of cool air inside the freezer. In such a case, the condenser in the freezer will need to do a lot more work and if it overtaxes it may lead to complete burnout.

Cleaning gas burners with soap

Cleaning gas burners with soap is also a common thing but it is advised to not use soap while cleaning the gas burners. Cleaning the gas range with soap can lead to corrosion and may also cause the lighting hole to clog up. So, before you clean the gas, read the cleaning instructions thoroughly.

Leaving the oven with spills

When you are cooking something in the kitchen, it is bound to leave spills. But when it comes to cooking in an oven, you need to make sure to clean the spills adequately in order to prevent any damage. If you don’t clean the spills in the oven, it will eventually lead to the formation of a greasy crust in the bottom, thereby damaging your appliance eventually.

Leaving the coins in the pocket

Most of us have the habit of leaving coins in our pockets. Even though it seems like a pretty harmless thing to do, but it can cause more damage than you realize. When you load a garment in a washing machine with coins in the pockets, the loose coins can cause damage to the washer drum and they can also get stuck inside the nooks and crannies of the machine, which can lead to an expensive repair.

Draining hot water in the garbage disposal

Running hot water through garbage disposal seems like a good idea for cleaning up the kitchen but all it does is cause your garbage disposal to be damaged. When it comes to kitchen wares, hot water is never a good idea. When you pass food and other kitchen garbage through the garbage disposal to grind it up, you should use cold water. Some food consists of fats and grease that melts when you run hot water through it and melted fats can only end up clogging the drains eventually and also cause mechanical damage.

Letting the lint to build up in the dryer

After you use the dryer, lint builds up in the lint trap after every load, reducing the efficiency of the dryer. It is essential that you clean the machine after every load. If you don’t, your dryer will lose its efficiency and it is also a safety concern. If lint gets caught in the vent pipe of your dryer, it may start a fire, which you really don’t want.

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